
firm body shape, postpartum body...


When most women are pregnant, their body shape will have a certain degree of deformation, some people's weight will obviously rise dozens of pounds, some people will even fat a lot.

Not only during pregnancy weight rise, even after the birth of the body will be fat to not, some women, originally before the birth of a slim figure, but after the birth of a child has become a middle-aged woman.

There are also people who are depressed because of various reasons such as losing their body shape, and some also cause family disputes and even marriage break-ups because women lose their body shape after giving birth.

But not all girls are like this, for example, we introduce today a baby mama, she is postpartum fitness, and subsequently developed a tight body shape, her body is now better than some young girls who have not had children, especially her waist to hip ratio.

According to the grasp after the discovery of this baby mama, in fact, she has touched the fitness movement before giving birth, and still quite knowledgeable, in the birth of the baby 9 months later, but also into the fitness.

For women who have just given birth to a child, they must take advantage of this 增肌減脂療程, as this is the best to help restore the body after giving birth to a stage.

Of course, after sitting in the month, the child breastfeeding period, the birth still need to pay attention to, especially those who have not had previous experience in fitness.

So what must women pay attention to when they slim down after giving birth? And how to carry out the recovery of the postpartum body?

The first female postpartum body is relatively weak, need to supplement some special nutritious substances, on the one hand, is conducive to the recovery of the body, on the other hand, is to help the growth of children.

However, it is important to control the intake of highly nutritious food at this time, not the more you eat the better, because excessive intake of highly nutritious food will lead to excess nutrients, which will lead to fat increase.

Therefore, it is important to control the food intake, especially during the menstrual period, when there is little exercise, which can easily cause weight gain.

After adjusting the diet, the next thing you should do is some training, postpartum flaccidity, 全脂奶 that many people may encounter, so that we should strengthen the pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Can do a little Kegel exercise, this is very good, suitable for postpartum women to do training exercises, adhere to 2 to 3 minutes of practice every day will help repair tight.

In addition to the exercise, there are some postpartum yoga training movements can also be, yoga has pregnancy yoga, postpartum yoga, in fact, during pregnancy can also regularly do some pregnancy yoga, but also help childbirth, postpartum yoga is conducive to conditioning the body, is conducive to the repair of physical health.

In addition to yoga, you can also choose some relatively low intensity, more soothing movement form of exercise, can also help to play the effect of postpartum shaping body beauty.

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