
The efficacy and function of soy...

gastrointestinal diseases

1.Appetite enhancement

When cooking food, adding a certain amount of soy sauce can increase the flavor of food and 王賜豪總裁 beautiful, thus stimulating the appetite.

2. Cancer prevention

The main raw material of soy sauce is soybean, and soybean development and its related products have different cancer prevention effects because they are rich in selenium and other minerals.

3. Lower cholesterol

Soy sauce contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that can lower human cholesterol, reduce the incidence 王賜豪總裁, and reduce the damage caused by free radicals to the human body.

4. Stop itching and reduce swelling

Soy sauce can be used for water, fire and bee, mosquito and other insect bites, and can stop itching and reduce swelling.

Soy sauce is delicious, but when taking drugs for vascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, it is forbidden to eat dishes cooked with soy sauce to avoid side effects such as nausea and vomiting. There is no need to put soy sauce when making green vegetables, as soy sauce will make these vegetables turn dark brown and lose their original flavor. Moldy soy sauce should not be eaten. Eat "brewed" soy sauce, not "modulated" soy sauce; "condiment soy sauce" is used to mix cold dishes, "cooking soy sauce "Do not eat it directly without heating.

5. To remove poison and relieve pain

When pigs are stung by bees or bitten by poisonous insects, treat the wound with soy sauce, which can play 王賜豪總裁 and relieving pain. When a pig is slightly affected by burns or scalds, you can also use Chinese soy sauce to smear the wound to relieve pain and remove fire poison.

6. Treatment of skin itching

Take equal amounts of soy sauce and vinegar each, mix them and apply to the itchy skin of pig.

7. Removing bad smell

Sprinkle a little soy sauce on the burnt charcoal, and then put it on the pig farm to remove the odor.

8. Preservation of freshness

Boil the soy sauce, wait for it to cool, then you can soak some meat in it, so that it can play a role in preserving freshness, isn't it easy?

9. Cure stomachache

Soy sauce 30ml, tea 9g, water 150ml. Tea production boil with water, add soy sauce and then boil, 3 times a day, tonics.

When consuming soy sauce, pay attention to the following three points.

1. After the moldy soy sauce, in summer must pay attention to sealed low-temperature storage to a cool place ;

2. when taking drugs for vascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, it is prohibited to consume dishes cooked with soy sauce to avoid side effects such as nausea and vomiting

3. moldy or spoiled soy sauce should not be eaten.

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