
Research methods for optimal tre...

What is the best way to treat obesity-related hair loss?

Oily hair loss, also known as seborrheic alopecia, is mainly 脫髮改善 bright and thin hair, or dry, dandruff, dull, thin and thin hair. There is a thick layer of oily secretions on the scalp. Hair loss is more common in young and middle-aged men because oil loss is due to sebaceous gland secretion or androgen secretion, also known as androgenic alopecia.

Treatment should start from this. Since hair loss and sebum is caused by excessive oil secretion, the key to treatment is to start from internal conditioning, regulate endocrine oil secretion, control endocrine in normal sebum secretion, and hair follicles can 生髮中心邊間好 normally. Hair loss sebum. At the same time, it improves the blood circulation system, nourishes blood and kidney, clears the meridians, regulates endocrine, and supplements enough nutrients for hair growth.

The research method of dietary culture nursing is also a root-fixing planning method for internal conditioning of our company. Usually, we should eat more foods with high protein, vitamins and rich content, such as Chinese milk, eggs, lean meat, fish, soy products, Seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits. Strong tea, raw garlic, peppers and other irritating foods should be avoided.

Make sure you get enough sleep too, no matter how 生髮中心邊間好 in general, the necessary amount of sleep should be guaranteed. And pay attention to have a good sleep quality, so that the blood circulation of the cerebral cortex is properly adjusted.

Also pay attention to the usual living habits, do not eat before going to bed, do not overeating, partial eclipse and fast food, etc. Bad eating habits are not conducive to the health of the hair, especially to keep an empty stomach before going to bed, otherwise it will affect the blood circulation . Try to fall asleep before 10 pm, because the metabolism of hair cells is active between 10 pm and 2 am, which is the "golden period" for hair growth.

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What to do with chronic seborrheic alopecia?


Chronic seborrheic alopecia is a type of hair loss, this type of 脫髮改善 生髮中心邊間好 shiny scalp, oily, with a lot of gray bran...


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